
Woman & Warrior believes in restorative care for women, which begins by connecting women together through bible studies, spiritual formations, discipleship programs, and restorative retreats. We are committed to your spiritual journey.

Woman & Warrior wants all women to be connected together in a faithful community with authentic camaraderie to overcome, heal, and thrive.

  • The Ezer Kenedgo Path is an extraordinary journey, specially designed for women who are ready to embark on a transformational quest of faith, biblical exploration, and deep spiritual connection. Ezer Kenedgo, meaning "Helper of God," is a path that empowers you to discover your profound role in God's divine plan.

    What to Expect on Your Ezer Kenedgo Journey:

    1. Personalized Faith Growth

    2. Encounter with Jesus

    3. Spiritual Formation

    4. Connection with God

    5. Self-Discovery

    The Ezer Kenedgo Path is not just a curriculum; it's a profound, life-changing experience. It is a journey that empowers you to grow in your faith, build a personal connection with Jesus, and experience the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. You will discover the incredible strength within you as a warrior of faith, ready to face life's challenges with unwavering courage.

  • Our Bible Study Brigade is your frontline for immersive and transformative exploration of the Word of God. If you're seeking more than just casual Bible study, but a deep and interactive journey into the heart of Scripture, this is your rallying point.

    What the Bible Study Brigade Offers:

    1. Live Teachings

    2. Fillable PDF Worksheets

    3. Interactive Conversations

    4. Regular Meetings

    5. Intimate Dialogue

    The Bible Study Brigade goes beyond surface-level Bible study. It's a space for profound understanding, personal growth, and spiritual connection. Our community seeks to make the Word of God not just a text but a guiding light for your life.

  • Women of the Way Courses, a transformative journey designed to take your discipleship and leadership to the next level. If you're a woman seeking to lead well, guided by the biblical model of shepherding, our exclusive programs are here to equip and empower you.

    What Women of the Way Offers:

    1. Deeper Discipleship Cohorts

    2. Leadership Training

    3. Mastermind-Style Cohorts

    4. Exclusive Programs

    These courses are not just about education; they're about experience and transformation. Women of the Way Courses provide a space for women who are ready to lead others, deepen their relationship with Jesus, and nurture their souls. It's a journey toward a stronger, more authentic faith, where discipleship is about a vibrant relationship with the Savior.

  • Discover the tranquility and spiritual renewal that await you at our Revive and Restore Retreats. Over four serene days, you will embark on a journey designed to help you unplug, unwind, and reconnect with your faith, just as Jesus sought solitude in nature to commune with God.

    What You Will Experience at our Retreat:

    1. Natural Serenity

    2. Prayer and Meditation

    3. Spiritual Renewal

    4. Community of Support

    In a world that rarely stops, our Revive and Restore Retreats offer a rare opportunity for spiritual restoration. Just as Jesus found solace in nature, you too can experience the power of reflection and renewal amidst the tranquility of natural surroundings.