The Brigade

Our New Online Membership Portal

We are gathering women all over the nation in our online portal to help women with relationship development with Jesus, grow in discipleship and accountability, and learn to be strong spiritual leaders.

Because we believe in gathering regularly for personal and spiritual growth, we invite you to join our online community platform, The Brigade. From this portal, we share all our Bible Studies, Courses, and Live Teachings from one place. Easy-to-use platform allows warriors to ask questions, send encouragement to one another, and grow tremendously in Biblical knowledge through discussions and mentorship.

We Would LOVE to See YOU Step Into YOUR Purpose—

FULLY Woman and FULLY Warrior!

Who Is This For?

Our Community is made up of a diverse group of women, including women veterans, veteran caregivers, women leaders, survivors of church hurt, as well as women who are new to the faith!

Build a strong Foundation with a Relationship with Jesus.

Unite with other Women Warriors for our Bible Studies and Teachings.

Join our exclusive courses, so can go serve others and lead them to Jesus.

Let’s Keep Scrolling to see why so many others have joined Woman and Warrior Ministries!

Loving my Woman and Warrior Community and how portable my Warrior Sisters are to gather as I’m usually in transit when I’m able to connect for our place of encouragement!

Lisa N.

Women and Warrior is always a comfort for me, especially the Bible studies. It’s a place of refuge and connection that replenishes my soul with God’s greatness and love.”

Lindsay G.

This was a fantastic Bible study! Kerri and Blanca are so accepting, encouraging, and supportive. It was a blessing to study and fellowship with other female soldiers which makes this group really special.”

Barbara G.

By the Grace of God and through the servant leadership that woman and warrior embodies, my marriage, family, and mental health situation has a brand new beginning.”

Erin. M.

"Life can be hard in today's world, women are not always valued and loved but being a woman in the Woman and Warrior community means you're not alone in the race."

Serini B.

Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.  -Psalm 31:24

Okay, I’m Ready To START!

  • Join for free to get access to ask questions, join quarterly calls, prayer wall, and take our exlusive Becoming a Warrior Course.

  • Paid Membership gives access to our exclusive bible studies written by women who get it and our teaching, courses, Plus your own personal path of spiritual formations and more!

  • The Ezer Kenedgo Path is an extraordinary journey, specially designed for women who are ready to embark on a transformational quest of faith, biblical exploration, and deep spiritual connection. Ezer Kenedgo, meaning "Helper of God," is a path that empowers you to discover your profound role in God's divine plan.

    What to Expect on Your Ezer Kenedgo Journey:

    1. Personalized Faith Growth: This path recognizes that every woman's spiritual journey is unique. It offers a self-paced and personalized approach, allowing you to dive as deeply as you desire into the teachings of the Bible, exploring the profound truths and wisdom it holds.

    2. Encounter with Jesus: Ezer Kenedgo guides you to explore the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. You'll have the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of His message, grace, and the indescribable love He has for you.

    3. Spiritual Formation: This journey is more than just acquiring knowledge; it's about transformation. Through spiritual practices and formation, you'll experience the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, allowing your faith to come alive in powerful and tangible ways.

    4. Connection with God: The Ezer Kenedgo Path focuses on nurturing a personal relationship with God. You'll learn to listen to His voice, seek His guidance, and experience His presence in your daily life.

    5. Self-Discovery: As you delve into the Word, you'll uncover layers of your own identity and purpose. You'll be equipped to embrace your unique role in God's story.

    The Ezer Kenedgo Path is not just a curriculum; it's a profound, life-changing experience. It is a journey that empowers you to grow in your faith, build a personal connection with Jesus, and experience the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. You will discover the incredible strength within you as a warrior of faith, ready to face life's challenges with unwavering courage.

    Are you prepared to embark on a journey that will deepen your faith, illuminate your path, and connect you with the divine like never before? Ezer Kenedgo awaits you, ready to ignite your spirit and transform your life.

  • Our Bible Study Brigade is your frontline for immersive and transformative exploration of the Word of God. If you're seeking more than just casual Bible study, but a deep and interactive journey into the heart of Scripture, this is your rallying point.

    What the Bible Study Brigade Offers:

    1. Live Teachings: Our dynamic live teachings bring the Word to life. Join us in real time as we delve into the Bible's wisdom and guidance. You'll experience the Scriptures in a whole new light.

    2. Fillable PDF Worksheets: Our meticulously crafted worksheets are not mere study aids, but tools for reflection and application. Fillable PDFs empower you to engage actively with the material, making it personal and relevant.

    3. Interactive Conversations: Expect lively discussions that allow you to share your insights, ask questions, and learn from fellow members. It's a platform for exploration, curiosity, and shared understanding.

    4. Regular Meetings: We're more than just a community; we're a family. Our regular meetings are opportunities for connection, support, and growth. You're never alone on this journey.

    5. Intimate Dialogue: The Bible Study Brigade offers a space for deeper, more intimate conversations about faith, spirituality, and the challenges of life. It's where transformative growth happens.

    The Bible Study Brigade goes beyond surface-level Bible study. It's a space for profound understanding, personal growth, and spiritual connection. Our community seeks to make the Word of God not just a text but a guiding light for your life.

    Are you ready to explore the Scriptures, fill your heart and mind with wisdom, and engage in conversations that lead to transformative growth? Join the Bible Study Brigade, where God's Word comes alive in your life, and understanding blooms into action.

  • Women of the Way Courses, a transformative journey designed to take your discipleship and leadership to the next level. If you're a woman seeking to lead well, guided by the biblical model of shepherding, our exclusive programs are here to equip and empower you.

    What Women of the Way Offers:

    1. Deeper Discipleship Cohorts: Our Deeper Discipleship Cohorts offer a unique opportunity to cultivate a closer relationship with Jesus. It's not just about studying, but about experiencing a profound connection with the Savior.

    2. Leadership Training: Are you ready to lead others with grace, wisdom, and biblical insight? Our Leadership Training course is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge to become a compassionate and effective leader.

    3. Mastermind-Style Cohorts: Engage in mastermind-style cohorts that encourage dynamic dialogue, shared experiences, and collective growth. It's a community of women supporting each other's spiritual journeys and leadership development.

    4. Exclusive Programs: Women of the Way Courses are offered exclusively twice a year for discipleship and once a year for leadership training. It's your chance to step onto a path of transformation and empowerment.

    These courses are not just about education; they're about experience and transformation. Women of the Way Courses provide a space for women who are ready to lead others, deepen their relationship with Jesus, and nurture their souls. It's a journey toward a stronger, more authentic faith, where discipleship is about a vibrant relationship with the Savior.

    Are you prepared to cultivate a deeper connection with Jesus and lead with grace and biblical wisdom? Join Women of the Way Courses, where the Way, the Truth, and the Life illuminate your path.

  • Discover the tranquility and spiritual renewal that await you at our Revive and Restore Retreats. Over four serene days, you will embark on a journey designed to help you unplug, unwind, and reconnect with your faith, just as Jesus sought solitude in nature to commune with God.

    1. Natural Serenity: We take inspiration from the example of Jesus and lead you to the embrace of nature. Surrounded by the beauty of the outdoors, you'll have the opportunity to explore peaceful settings, reconnect with creation, and find solace in God's magnificent handiwork.

    2. Prayer and Meditation: Our retreats provide dedicated time for prayer and meditation in a non-clinical, non-pressured setting. It's a space for you to talk to God, reflect on your faith, and draw nearer to Him.

    3. Spiritual Renewal: These retreats are not just about rest; they're about spiritual revival. Through guided sessions, quiet moments, and group activities, you'll experience a rekindling of your spiritual fire.

    4. Community of Support: Connect with fellow women warriors who are on their own faith journeys. Share stories, insights, and moments of revelation. It's a supportive and compassionate community that understands your path.

    In a world that rarely stops, our Revive and Restore Retreats offer a rare opportunity for spiritual restoration. Just as Jesus found solace in nature, you too can experience the power of reflection and renewal amidst the tranquility of natural surroundings.

    Are you ready to unplug, unwind, and rejuvenate your spirit? Join our Revive and Restore Retreats and find the peace and renewal your soul craves. It's an uplifting journey where you'll rediscover the depths of your faith while surrounded by the wonders of God's creation.